Quote #25

“Making plans forces and pushes you to meat goals and not disrupt the aligned process to your success.” – Majd Nazo

Interactive Drawing – “Key”




  1.  These words: “Mosel”, “Oil”, “Pump”, “Majd”
  2. 7 Human Faces
  3. 4 Human Bodies
  4. 4 Stars
  5. 2 Birds
  6. 2 Fish
  7. 2 Trees
  8. Map of the country Iraq
  9. Key
  10. Pencil
  11. Rubik’s Cube
  12. Ice Cream
  13. Diamond
  14. Cigarette
  15. Gun
  16. Slingshot
  17. Oil Pump
  18. Book
  19. Tear
  20. Tape
  21. Rain
  22. Umbrella
  23. Paper Plane
  24. Dominoes Piece
  25. Bullet
  26. Arch
  27. Boat
  28. Rope



The smartest minds in the world today should get together and work  on subjects of their interest. Together these experts will be passionate at work.  Having the aid of genius men and woman as colleagues will help their projects advance. If this group is arranged? I foresee a Nobel Prize awarded on their behalf regularly. Thus benefitting all human kind.

– Majd Nazo